Screenshot of the platform

Welcome to Reader!

Reader allows users to mark words as "learning" or "known". From this input, statistics are generated to track progress, assess the difficulty of texts, and identify useful words to learn.

Get Started

Track Your Progress

With easy-to-read statistics, you are able to monitor language learning progress and set new goals.

Screenshot of the platform
Screenshot of the usage guide

Usage Guide

Read is simple to use. Paste a text into the text area. Words are initially marked as unknown. A click marks them as 'learning', and another click as 'known'. Here's what these terms mean:

  • Unknown words: These may be completely new to you, difficult, or not currently important to remember.
  • Learning words: These are words that feel fuzzy; you can guess the meaning, but might need to confirm with a dictionary lookup.
  • Known words: These are words where you know the meaning instantly and accurately.